
Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me

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Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me – Did you know that by the age of 11, the average child in Singapore receives 23 vaccinations against common infectious diseases under the National Childhood Immunization Schedule? Fortunately, we don’t remember many times we got jabs before we were 18 months old.

Just like people, our cats and dogs need vaccinations to prevent life-threatening chronic viral infections. It also promotes herd immunity in the Singapore pet community; Reduces the chance of other furry friends catching common viruses.

Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me

Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me

So what are the mandatory (core) and optional (non-core) vaccines required for our cats and dogs? And how often are our animals vaccinated? Read on to learn more!

Vaccine & Rabies Clinics

Vaccination is a way of giving a shot to help the immune system develop protection against disease. A vaccine usually contains a microorganism or virus in an attenuated, live or dead state, or a part of the organism or virus.

Introducing this weakened virus into your furkid’s body will help them gradually build up immunity against the virus. In this way, your pet’s immune system can fight diseases in the future.

In Singapore, the Department of Animal and Veterinary Services requires cats and dogs to be vaccinated against certain infectious diseases when imported.

Cats must be properly vaccinated against feline influenza (feline calicivirus and feline viral rhinotracheitis) and feline enteritis (ie feline panleukopenia/feline parvovirus) upon arrival in Singapore through vaccination records.

June Vaccine Clinic Schedule

Dogs must be vaccinated against canine distemper, canine hepatitis and canine parvovirus infection through vaccination records upon arrival in Singapore.

Did you know that if your furkid was born in Singapore (not imported), there is no current requirement to vaccinate them?

However, we strongly encourage pet vaccination because it helps protect our animal community from infectious diseases and also avoids high medical costs if your furry friends contract these life-threatening diseases.

Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me

1. Canine Parvovirus Canine Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that affects the gastrointestinal system. Symptoms include severe bloody diarrhea, vomiting, fever, weakness and loss of appetite.

Veterinarian Holding Syringe With Vaccine Near Big White Dog In Clinic. Treatment And Pet Care. Annual Rabies Vaccination. Close Up Stock Photo

Dogs and puppies can become infected with the virus through the feces of an infected animal, the infected environment, or sometimes people who come into contact with an infected dog. It has a very high mortality rate (>80%), especially in unvaccinated dogs and puppies.

3. Canine distemper Canine distemper virus is transmitted through bodily fluids and saliva produced during coughing and sneezing, contaminated food and water bowls, and even from mother to baby. Symptoms include fever, respiratory distress, neurological signs and loss of appetite. Without a vaccine, the disease has a high mortality rate. Dogs that survive usually have permanent brain damage.

1. Feline Parvovirus / Panleukopenia Virus Feline Panleukopenia is an infectious virus caused by feline parvovirus. It affects the gastrointestinal system and brain of cats and kittens. Symptoms include severe vomiting, diarrhea, low white blood cell count, weakness and loss of appetite. Like its smoky counterpart, the virus is spread through contact with the feces of an infected animal, an infected environment, or sometimes by people who come into contact with an infected animal. It has a very high mortality rate in unvaccinated cats and kittens.

Rabies is an infectious disease that is transmitted from animals to humans, and is usually transmitted by mammals (including humans). You can become infected if a wild animal bites or scratches you. However, no rabies cases have been reported in Singapore since 1953, so our dogs and cats do not need to be vaccinated against rabies unless they are exported from Singapore.

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If you have a puppy or kitten under 16 weeks of age, it is recommended that you follow the vaccination schedule below to stay up to date on your pet’s vaccinations. Veterinarians generally recommend at least three vaccinations every 4 weeks from when the puppy/cat is 6-8 weeks old, until the puppy/cat is 16 weeks old. After that, an annual vaccination may or may not be recommended.

It is recommended that you take your dog or cat to the vet at least once a year for their annual checkup. During this trip to the vet, you can ask the vet for a titer test instead of an annual vaccination booster for your furkids.

A titer test is an antibody blood test that tells you if your puppy or cat is still immune to the virus they were vaccinated against. Their bodies can still produce antibodies if they are still immune to the virus. If your dog has high levels of antibodies, revaccination may not be necessary.

Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me

Additionally, titer tests are not appropriate for canine leptospirosis, Bordetella (also known as kennel cough), or Lyme disease, as these vaccines provide only short-term protection.

Vaccinate A Shelter Dog

Vaccination is a buzzword in the pet community today, and many pet parents are careful not to give their furkids annual jabs unless absolutely necessary. Most vaccines actually provide years of protection against these deadly viruses. So do your research before your annual puppy or kitten checkup and consult with your veterinarian to make a good decision about what you need and what you think is best for your pet.

Yes, there are some side effects after the vaccination. Redness or swelling at the injection site for a day or two after the jab is a common side effect. Puppies or kittens may also experience a mild fever and this may occur about an hour after the injection. However, less than 1% of dogs and cats develop a fever after receiving the vaccine.

In the rare event that your fur experiences serious side effects such as hives, vomiting, difficulty breathing, shock or hives, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If your pet cat or dog is always indoors and does not interact with other animals (including you), they may or may not need to be vaccinated. However, if you prefer to let your pet out, and you want them to see the world and live a full life, be a responsible pet parent and raise them to get the appropriate vaccinations. The new guidelines will help create clear standards, he said

Affordable Pet Vaccine Clinics

SINGAPORE – She is a dog owner, has been a dog therapist for seven years and has run a dog boarding center for a decade, where she takes care of dog owners when they need to travel. Despite this experience, Ms Ruth Lim, 47, has not vaccinated her own pet dog for at least the past five years. All of them are more than 10 years old – or the equivalent of a 50 to 60 years old.

SINGAPORE — He has been a dog owner, a dog therapist for seven years and has run a dog boarding center for a decade, where he takes care of canine owners when they have to travel.

Despite this experience, Ms Ruth Lim, 47, has not vaccinated her own pet dog for at least the past five years. All of them are more than 10 years old – or the equivalent of a 50 to 60 years old.

Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me

Ms Lim is part of a small group of pet owners in Singapore who are careful to vaccinate their animals.

Dog Vaccine Schedule Info Graphic Illustration Stock Vector

On November 18, the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS) under the National Parks Board (NParks) and the Singapore Veterinary Association jointly released vaccination guidelines for pet dogs and cats.

The Singapore Vaccination Guide for Dogs and Cats 2020 lists various core and non-core vaccines and provides recommendations for pets at different life stages and in different living environments, including single, multi-pet and shelter.

The main vaccines for dogs protect against canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus and canine parvovirus. For cats, the primary vaccines protect against feline parvovirus, feline calicivirus, and feline herpesvirus. 

AVS and the Singapore Veterinary Association said: “The guidelines will improve awareness and understanding among various stakeholders, including pet owners, animal welfare groups and pet businesses, about the importance of vaccinating pets.”

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In September, a deadly disease affecting mainly rabbits was discovered in Singapore, and AVS said it would work with veterinary clinics and distributors to import and register vaccines.

In general, guidelines advise that adult dogs and cats should receive a booster shot within a year of the last dose of the first puppy or cat vaccine.

Although primary vaccinations are usually given in an annual booster period, the guidelines indicate that veterinarians may recommend different booster frequencies after examining pets and discussing with owners.

Annual Dog Vaccines Near Me

The veterinarian interviewed by TODAY said that the vaccination schedule was set based on the examinations of the animals. 

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For Ms. Lim, she vaccinates her dogs when they are puppies and one after the other until they are five years old. “I know there is no need to get vaccinated every year,” he said. 

Her dogs go for annual checkups and she vaccinates them if they are exposed to high risk factors.

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